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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:22:42

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第514页(726字)


a.①新鲜的:fresh fruit(vegetable)新鲜水果(蔬菜).②新的:fresh news新消息.a car fresh from the assembly line崭新的汽车.the newspaper fresh off the press刚出版的报纸.make a fresh start重新开始.throw fresh light on a subject对问题提出新的见解.be still fresh in sb.’s memory记忆犹新.break fresh ground【喻】着手新事业.③新近的,幼稚的,无经验的:a fresh hand新手,生手.a youth fresh from school刚从学校出来的青年.a postman coming fresh to the job新接手的邮递员.④清新的,凉爽的:fresh air清新的空气.in the fresh air在户外.a fresh wind凉爽的风.⑤无盐的,生的:fresh water淡水.fresh fish鲜.fresh meat鲜肉,生肉.⑥鲜艳的:fresh colours鲜艳的色彩.⑦有生气的,强健的:a fresh horse(刚驾车的)有劲的.He was fresh and gay.他爽朗愉快.⑧【美俚】卤莽的,无礼的:be fresh with sb.对某人无礼.

-n.①(河水等)暴涨,奔流.②淡水河(泉、池).③(年、日、一生等)初期:in the fresh of the morning清晨.

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