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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:50:55

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第740页(1930字)


a.①(距离)长的,远的:a 1long distance长距离.the 1long March长征.1long jump跳远.1long wave【无】长波.The table is three feet 1long.这桌子长三呎.as broad as it is 1long 完全一样的,毫无区别的.②(时间)长的,长久的:a 1long tradition悠久的传统.a 1long explanation冗长的说明.I shall not be 1long.我就回来.Don’t be 1long about it.快点干;不要慢吞吞的.He wasnot 1long(in)making up his mind.他很快就下了决心.It will not be 1long before we know the truth.我们不久就会知道真相.③长形的:a 1long finger中指.1long ears 1)长耳朵,【喻】耳朵快.2)【喻】驴子,笨人.pull(or make)a 1long face不高兴,扳着脸.make a 1long nose把姆指放在鼻子上嘲弄人.④项目多的,成员多的:a 1long family(孩子多的)大家庭.a 1long list长名单,长目录.a 1long suit 1)手里同花多的牌.2)【口语】拿手好戏:Swimming is his 1long suit.游泳是他的专长.⑤标准以上的:a 1long mile一哩以上.a 1long ton长吨(=2,240 lb.).a 1long dozen十三个.⑥达到远方的:have a 1long arm神通广大的.make a 1long arm手伸得很长.have a 1long head精明的,机灵的.have 1long sight好眼力,有洞察力.have a 1long memory记性好.take 1long views看得远,从长远打算.a 1long shot 1)远距离摄影、射击.2)大胆猜测.⑦【语音】长音的:a 1long vowel长元音.⑧个子高的:1long Tom长脚汤姆.⑨【商】存货的,看涨的:1long of cotton存有棉花的.be(or go) 1long of the market(=beon the 1long side of the market)囤积居奇的,存货待涨价的.

-ad.长久:all day 1long 整天.all one’s life 1long 一辈子,终生.How 1long have you been here?你来了多久啦? 1long after很久以后.1long before很久以前.1long ago(=1long since)老早:He left 1long ago.他早去了.so 1long【口语】再见.so(or as) 1long as只要:So 1long as imperialism exists, there will be no peace in the world.只要有帝国主义存在,世界就没有和平.no 1long er(=not any 1long er】不再,已不:The Asia of today is no 1long er the Asia of the 30s or 40s.今天的亚洲已不是三十年代或四十年代的亚洲了.I can’t wait any 1long er.我不能再等了.

-n.①长时间:The wor kwill nottake 1long.这项工作不用花很多时间.before 1long 不久,不久以后:Before 1long they were faced with yet another tough struggle.不久他们又面临另一场艰苦的斗争.for 1long 长久:Shall you be away for 1long?你将离开很久吗?the 1long and the short of it总而言之:The 1long andthe short of it is that we must do it carefully.总之,我们必须细心地做.at(the) 1long est至多:I can wait only three days at 1long est.我最多能等三天.②【语音】长音节.

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