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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:21:18

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第971页(661字)


vt.①准备,预备,使准备好:She is preparing lunch.她正在做午饭.Her mother prepared her a new skirt.她母亲给她准备了一条新裙子.They prepared rooms for new comrades.他们为新同志准备了房间.He prepared the pupils for the march.他叫学生作好行军准备.He prepared himself for a hard life他做好过艰苦生活的准备.be prepared to(do)愿意并且能够(做):The commune members are prepared to build irrigation works.社员们愿意而且有能力兴修水利.(比较:The commune members are preparing to build irrigation works.社员们为兴修水利而正在进行准备.)②作成(计划等),配制(药),调制(食物),调(音)等:prepare plans for a battle订出作战计划.prepare the doctor’s prescription按处方配药.

-vi.准备,预备:prepare for troubles准备应付麻烦.We are preparing for the sports meet.我们正准备运动会.

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