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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:22:41

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第978页(998字)


n.①刺孔,刺痕,点:a prick made by a needle针刺的孔.②刺痛,扎痛;(内心的)谴责,悔恨:The patient felt only a prick as the doctor made the injection.医生注射时,病人仅感到有点刺痛.He felt the prick of remorse.他感到内心的责备.③用以刺或扎的东西;【古】(赶用的)刺棒:kick against the pricks作徒劳抵抗而伤了自己,螳臂挡车.

-vt.①刺,扎,戳:prick a blister刺破水疱.A piece of glass pricked his tyre.一片玻璃扎破了他.的轮胎.②刺伤,扎伤:The boy pricked his leg with a nail.钉子扎伤了那男孩的腿.③刺痛;(内心的)谴责,悔恨:The thorn pricked my thumb.刺扎痛了我的大拇指.④刺孔作标记:The girl pricked(out)an embroidery pattern on to the cloth,那女孩在布上刺绣花样.⑤移植(out):prick out young seedlings移植幼苗.⑥竖(耳):The dog pricked up its ears.这条竖起耳朵.prick up one’s ears侧耳倾听:He pricked up his ears when hc was told the news.他聚精会神地听消息.

-vi.①刺,扎:How those thorns prick!那些刺多么刺人啊!②刺痛,(内心的)谴责:The wound pricks.伤口刺痛.His neglect pricked at his conscience.他的疏忽大意使他感到内疚.③竖(耳)倾听,耸立:The horse’s ears pricked up at the sound.听到了这声音,耳朵就竖起来了.The mountain pricks up into the sky.山耸入云霄.prick·er n.刺者,刺孔用具.

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