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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:38:42

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1492页(1096字)


(wrote,written)v.①写:write a good hand

写一手好字.write for sb.替人代笔.write on every other line隔行写.be written on one’s heart铭记于心.have cheerfulness written on one’s face脸上流露着高兴的表情.Please write in ink.not with a pencil.请用钢笔写,不要用铅笔写.The combat hero wrote a glorious page of boundless loyalty to the Party with his youth and blood.这位战斗英雄用他的青春和鲜血写下了无限忠于党的光辉篇章.②写作:write mass criticism articles写大批判文章.write about true people and true events写真人真事.write for a inagazine为杂志写稿.write on a subject就某题目写稿③写信:write a letter写封信.write(to)sb.给某人写信.write home写家信.Please write me your experience in studying Chairman Mao’s works.请把你学习毛主席着作的经验写给我.

△write down 1)写下,记下2)用文字攻击.3)降低票面价值.write off1)写信寄出.2)一挥而就,很快写好(文章等).3)取消,注销(债款等):write off wholesale(or be written off at one stroke)一笔勾消,一笔抹煞.write out 1)缮写,誊清:He wrote out the agreement after its terms had been agreed by both sides.合同经双方同意后,他就把它缮写出来了.2)写出:write out a prescription开药方.3)(作家等)写不出东西来,文字已穷:write oneself out(某人)文思枯竭.write up 1)详细写,描写:write up one’s notes详细记笔记.2)写文章赞扬.3)每天不漏地记(帐等).

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