
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:21:53

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第684页(13689字)




abdominal pain due to blood stasis血瘀腹痛

abdominal pain due to deficiency of the blood血虚腹痛

a blood tonic for lung益肺气

accumulation of extravasated blood血积

activate blood flow活血

amenorrhea due to deficiency of the blood血亏闭经

amenorrhea due to stagnation of the blood血滞经闭

arthralgia due to deficiency of the blood血虚痹

arthralgia due to stagnation of the blood血痹

be in the blood遗传下来的;生来就有的

blood bank血库

blood cancer血癌

blood circulation血液循环;运血

blood circulation promoting and phlegm removing herbal medicine活血祛痰药

blood clam shell瓦楞子(中药)

blood cold血寒

blood cooling drugs凉血药

blood crust血痂

blood cyst血囊肿

blood deficiency血虚

blood deficiency and hyperactivity of the liver血虚肝旺

blood deficiency of the liver and spleen肝脾血虚

blood disease血液病

blood donor供血者;献血者

blood exhaustion血枯;血极

blood fat血脂

blood fluke血吸虫

blood group(blood type)血型

blood heat血热;人体血温

blood in stool血泄;便血

blood in the urine血尿

blood letting放血

the blood line血统;世系

blood lymph血浆

blood mole血性胎块

the blood orbiculus(carthus)血轮

blood parasite血液寄生虫

blood picture血象

blood plasma血浆

blood poison血毒

blood poisoned by infection感染中毒的血液

blood poisoning血中毒;败血症;血毒

blood pressure血压

blood reacting血流反应

blood reducing泻血

blood relation血亲;有血缘关系的亲属

blood removing去血

blood room血室

blood routine examination血常规检查

blood sea血海

blood sedimentation test血沉试验

blood shot(眼)充血

blood smell血腥气味

blood stagnation type血滞型

blood stasis血瘀,瘀血,瘀

blood stasis in the heart瘀血阻于心脉

blood stasis in the liver瘀血阻于肝

blood stasis in the local parts瘀血阻于局部

blood stasis in the lung瘀血阻于肺

blood stasis in the stomach瘀血阻于胃

blood streak血丝

blood stream血流

blood sugar血糖

blood symptom complex血证

blood stagnancy血郁

blood test验血

blood tonic补血药(剂);养血药(剂)

blood transfusion输血;输血法

blood troubles血证

blood tumor血肿

blood vessel血管

blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate血脉

blood viscosity血液粘滞

cardiac shock by putrid blood败血冲心

cause blood disorder动血

cause impairment to both yin and the blood伤阴动血

coagulated blood坏死血液

coagulation of extravasated blood瘀血积聚

consumptive disease due to blood stasis干血痨

cool the blood and clear up the ying system凉血清营

cough blood咳血

darkened extravasated blood衃血

damage yin and ca use blood disorder伤阴动血

deafness due to deficiency of blood血虚耳聋

deficiency of the blood血虚

deficiency of qi and the blood气血虚

deficiency of the zang-organs and fu-organs,yin and yang,qi and blood脏腑阴阳气血的亏损

depleted blood血枯

deteriorated blood败血

decrease blood pressure降血压

differentiation of syndromes according to the state of qi and the blood气血辨证

disharmony between qi and the blood气血不和

dissipate blood stasis散瘀

distant blood远血

disturbance of the relationship between vital energy and the blood气血失调

disturbance of the relationship between qi and the blood气血失调

dizziness due to deficiency of the blood血虚眩晕

dizziness due to loss of the blood失血眩晕

domination of evil heat in the blood血分热盛

dragon’s blood血竭(中药)

drugs used to activate blood flow活血药

dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis血瘀痛经

edema due to blood stasis血肿

eliminate pathogenic heat from the blood凉血

eliminate the wind and enrich the blood祛风养血

endopathic wind due to blood deficiency血虚生风

enrich the blood养血;补血

enrich the blood and calm the wind和血熄风

ensure proper downward flow of the blood引血下行

epigastric pain due to blood stasis心血痛

escape of the blood from vessels and channels血不归经

evil heat accumulated in the blood血分瘀热

excessive heat in the blood system血分热盛

exhaustion of the blood血脱

extravasated blood恶血;败血;瘀血

extreme deficiency of qi and the blood气血大虚

failure of the blood to circulate in the vessels血不归(循)经

fainting after childbirth due to excessive loss of the blood产后血晕

fever caused by blood deficiency(fever due to deficiency of the blood)血虚(发)热

fire-transmission and heat-production due to blood de ficiency of the liver and spleen肝脾血虚化生火热

flaccidity due to blood stasis血瘀痿

free circulation of the blood血脉流通

gastric shock by putrid blood败血冲胃

give one’s blood to sb.输血给某人

govern the blood统血

have a blood test查血

headache due to deficiency of the blood血虚头痛

heat in the blood血热

heat stasis at the blood phase血分瘀热

help build blood养血;具有养血功能

help building blood补血;养血

hematuria blood溲血

hernial pair due to blood stasis血疝

house of the blood血之府

hypomenorrhea due to deficiency of the blood血虚月经过少

incessant dripping of the blood血不时地漏下

induce the flow of qi and the blood疏通气血

insufficiency of the blood of the heart心血亏损

intense heat on both qi and the blood system气血两燔

keep blood circulation free使血脉通畅

liver blood肝血

loss of the blood夺血

make blood test验血

mass formed by blood stasis血癥

mass resulting from blood stasis血癥

matching of the blood配血;血液配合

metrorrhagia due to heat in the blood血热崩漏

metrorrhagia due to blood stasis血瘀崩漏

near blood近血

nourish the blood养血;补血

noxious heat in the blood system血分热毒

numbness of hands and feet due to blood deficiency血虚手脚麻木

nutrient blood营血

pain due to the blood stasis血瘀而痛

pathogenic heat in the blood血热

palpitation due to de ficiency of the blood血虚心悸

postpartum blood stasis产后血瘀

precordial pain due to loss of the blood失血心痛

pricking blood therapy刺血法

profuse uterine bleeding due to blood stasis血瘀崩漏

promote blood circulation and cool the blood散血凉血

promote the reflow of the blood in stasis使瘀血回流

promote blood circulation to remove obstruction in the channels活血通络

promote blood circulation to remove stagnancy活血消积

promote blood circulation to stop pain活血止痛

propel blood circulation促进血液循环

pulmonary shock by putrid blood败血冲肺

qi and the blood flowing freely血气畅通

reduce blood fat降血脂

regulate blood flow活血

remove blood stasis祛瘀

remove heat from the blood to stop bleeding凉血止血

retarded menstruation due to blood stasis血瘀经行后期

run in the blood遗传下来的;生来就有的

sludged blood瘀血

sludged blood in the channels and their collaterals瘀血阻滞经络

sludging of the blood血瘀

sluggish circulation of the blood血行不畅

sluggishness of the blood circulation血脉凝涩

smooth blood flow and stop bleeding润血止血

spit the blood咳血;咯血

spontaneous sweating due to deficiency of the blood血虚自汗

stagnation of the blood血瘀阻;血瘀滞

stagnation of the blood and qi血气郁滞

stagnation of the blood of the heart心血瘀滞

stagnation syndrome of qi and the blood痹

sterility due to blood stasis血瘀不孕

sterility due to deficiency of the blood血虚不孕

stop the blood止血

store the blood贮藏血液

streak of the blood血丝

syndrome of the blood system(phase)血分证

syncope resulting from disorders of the blood血厥

the amount of the blood血量

the blood chamber血室

the blood of the heart心血

the blood stored in the liver肝血

the blood phase血分

the circulating blood volume血流量

the control of blood by the heart心主血

the essence and the blood精血

the essence and the blood of the human body人身精血

the blood vessels spreading over the eyes赤脉传睛

the flow of the blood血流

the influential point of the blood血会

the qi and theblood throughout the body全身气血

the residence of the blood血之府

threatened miscarriage due to deficiency of the blood血虚滑胎

tortuosity of the blood vessels虬蟠卷曲

typing of the blood血型分类

vigorate qi and replenish the blood益气补血

vigorate the blood and qi气血两补

vomit the blood吐血;呕血

Blood volume increases.血容量增加。

The flow of the blood becomes sluggish and uneven.血流将变得迟滞而不稳。

Yang-qi is too weak to transport the blood upward.阳气衰微,血不上布。

The blood vessel tension falls down.血管张力下降。

The reduction of the blood volume may result in the fall of blood pressure.血容量减少可导致血压下降。

The decline of the yang-qi makes it impossible to push the blood forward.阳气衰微,无力推动血行。

The blood does not flow smoothly.脉气往来艰涩。

The yin and the blood is not sufficient to nourish the heart.阴血不足,不能养心。

The blood circulation is in the charge of the heart.诸血皆属于心。

The blood circulation is controlled by the heart.心主血脉。

The patient’s face is covered with the blood.病人满脸是血。

The heart controls blood circulation.心脏主血脉。

The master’s blood was up.先生情绪激昂。

The blood is the mother of qi.血为气之母。

The essence and the blood must be preserved and enriched.要保重精血。

Fixed pain in the body suggests blood stasis.体内固定痛,表示有瘀血。

The blood and sweat have the same source.血汗同源。

The blood fails to circulate in the vessels.血不循经。

The blood cannot flow normally within the vessels.血不循经。

The blood flow of the whole body converges in the lung.肺朝百脉。

It is liable to cause impairment to both yin and the blood.易伤阴耗血。
