
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:30:14

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第714页(9889字)




attack straight into yin channels直中阴经;直入阴经

blockage of the channel经络阻滞

branches of the twelve regular channels十二经别

central channel中心管;小动静脉连合管

channels and collaterals经络(总称)

channel electrometry经络电测定法

channel needling经刺

channel of infection传染途径

channels of the same name同名经

channels of the torso and limbs身体各部位经脉

channel points经络穴位

channel qi经气

channel system经络系统

channel transmission经络感传(现象)

channel tunnel经隧

the Chong Channel(vital channel)冲脉

clear and activate the channels and collaterals通经活络

cold and deficiency of the Chong and Ren Channels冲任虚寒

cold-evil gathering in the channels寒凝经脉

comprehensive channel therapy经络综合疗法

corresponding channels point selection循经取穴

deep-sited part of the Chong channel伏冲(冲脉循行进入脊椎骨内的部分)

detector of channel and acupuncture point经络经穴探测仪

direct attack on the three yin channels直中三阴

disease involving all three yang channels三阳合病

disperse cold by warming the channels温经散寒

dredge the channels疏通经脉

externally-internally related channels表里经

fifteen collateral channels十五络

free circulation of qi in the channels and collaterals经络畅通

internal branches of the twelve channels十二经别

invasion of the pathogenic cold factor to the channels and uterus寒邪侵入经络与胞宫

the Large Channels大经

the Major Channel宗经

major trunks of the system of the channels and collaterals经络系统的主体

obstruction of channels经脉闭阻

outlook of the theory of channels and collaterals经络学说的面貌

pathways of channels and collaterals经络循行

poking channels method拨(络)法

press a certain channel point with finger用手指按压某一经络穴位

promote the flow of qi by warming the channel温经活络

promote the movement of the channel qi激发经气

puncture the corresponding channel经刺

radiating sensations of the channels经络感传现象

reflect the outlook of the theory of channels and collaterals反映了经络学说的面貌

regular channels正经

sea of channels经脉之海

selection of points on the diseased channel本经配穴

sensitive point on the route of a channel经络敏感点

the Shaoyang Channels(Shaoyang)少阳经(少阳)

the Shaoyin Channels(Shaoying)少阴经(少阴)

six channels diseases六经病

six yang channels六阳脉

skin zone branches of the Twelve Channels十二皮部

sludged blood in the channels and their collaterals瘀血阻滞经络

superficial channels外经

the acupoints of the fourteen channels十四经穴

the assembled channels宗脉

the Belt Channel带脉

the channel and collateral qi经络之气

the channel tropism by signs-symptoms differentiation辨证归经

the collateral channels络

the conjunctions of the various channels各条经脉的连接

the course of the channel经脉循环

the crossing points of the Ren Channel and the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming任脉与足阳明胃经交会穴

the Dai Channel带脉

the Du Channel督脉

the extra channels奇经

the Eight Extra Channels八奇经;奇经八脉

the existence of channels and collaterals经络的存在

the floating collateral channels浮络

the fourteen channels十四经

the Gall Bladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang足少阳胆经

the Heart Channel of Hand-Shaoyin手少阴心经

the interrelations of the various channels各条经脉的相互关系

the Jueyin Channels are shut(or closed).厥阴为合。

the Kidney Channel of foot-Shaoyin足少阴肾经

the Large Collateral Channel大络

the Large Intestine Channel of Hand-yangming手阳明大肠经

the Large Spleen Collateral Channel脾之大络

the Large Stomach Collateral Channel胃之大络

clear pathogenic heat in the pulmonary清泄肺络之热

the Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin足厥阴肝经

the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin手太阴肺经

the main channels经

the movement of the channel qi经气运行

the Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin手厥阴心包经

the points of the fourteen channels十四经腧穴

the Ren Channel任脉

the sea of the twelve regular channels十二经之海

the sea of the twelve channels(Chong channel)十二经之海

the sea of the yang channels阳脉之海

the sensitive point,line and zone of the channel经络敏感点、线、区

The Shaoyang Channels are pivots(or switches).少阳为枢。

The Shaoyin Channels are pivots.少阴为枢。

the six channels六经

the Small Intestine Channel of HandTaiyang手太阳小肠经

the Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin足太阴脾经

the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming足阳明胃经

The Taiyang Channels are open.太阳为开。

The Taiyin Channels are open.太阴为开。

the Tai Chong Channels太冲脉

the Taiyang Channels太阳经

the Taiyin Channels太阴经

the tendons branches of the twelve channels十二经筋

the trends of the various channels各条经络的走向。

the Triple Warmer Channel of HandShaoyang手少阳三焦经

the twelve channels十二正经

the unit of channels脉度

the Urinary Bladder Channel of FootTaiyang足太阳膀胱经

three yang channels三阳经

three yang channels of hand手三阳

The Yangming Channels are shut(or closed).阳明为合。

the Yangqiao Channel阳跷脉

the Yangming Channels阳明脉

the Yangwei Channel阳维脉

three yang channels of the foot足三阳经

three yin channels of the hand手三阴经

three yin channels of the foot足三阴经

three yin Channels三阴经

transmission from one channel to another过经

transmission to the end of channel经尽

warm the channels for ensuring the flow of yang-qi温经通阳

warm the channels and stop bleeding温经止血

wei channels维脉

The theory of channels and collaterals concerns the study of the physiology and pathology of the channels and collaterals,and their mutual relations.经络学说研究经络的生理、病理及其相互关系。

Dai channel girdles the waist,all binding the channels.带脉缠腰,总束诸脉。

As a health person,he has sufficient vital qi and channel qi,all his blood vessels run smoothly.健康人正气充足,脉气充盈,百脉畅通。

Lower toothache relates to the Large Intestine Channel,as the channel passes through the lower gum.大肠经经过下牙龈,故下牙痛为大肠经病

The parts of the human body are intimately and inseparately connected with each other by the channels and collaterals.人体各部靠经络保持着密切的不可分割的联系。

Three Yin Channels refers to a collective term for the Taiyin Channel,the Shaoyin Channel,and the Jueyin Channel.三阴经是太阴、少阴和厥阴三经的总称。

Three Yang Channels refers to a collective term for the Taiyang Channel,the Yangming Channel,and the Shaoyang Channel.三阳经是太阳,阳明和少阳三经的总称。

Taiyang(the Taiyang Channels)is a collective name for a group of channels.It means that the yang principle is flourishing.太阳是一种经脉的统称,表阳气旺盛之意。

The Taiyang Channels are the fence of the six channels.太阳为六经之藩篱。

Channels are the longitudinal conduct of the meridian system.经脉是经络系统的纵行干线。

Channels have the meaning of“passage”.经,有路径的意思。

Qi of Chong Channel ascends adversely.冲气上逆。

Shaoyaing(the Shaoyang Channels)refers to a collective name for a group of channels and means the yang principle is diminishing.少阳是一种经脉的统称,表阳气减弱之意。

Shaoyin(the Shaoyin Channels)refers to a collective name for a group of channels.It means that the yin principle is diminishing.少阴是一种经脉的统称,表阴气减弱之意。

Upper toothache relates to the Stomach Channel,as the Stomach Channel passes through the upper gum.胃经经过上牙龈,故上牙痛为胃经病。

Taiyin(the Taiyin Channels)is a collective name for a group of channels and means the yin principle is flourishing.太阴是一种经脉的统称,表阴气旺盛之意。

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