
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:40:00

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第746页(2797字)




a dangerous condition in the later stages病重后期危象

a mixed and distorted condition错杂症候

be in condition健康状况好

a morbid condition病态

be out of condition健康状况不好

clinical conditions种种临床表现

condition of an injury伤势

condition of illness病况

give a brief account on the patient’s condition介绍病人的病情

grasp the pulse condition掌握脉象

measles in critical condition麻疹险症

observe patient’s physical condition望形态

observe patient’s teeth condition望齿

pathologic condition病理情况

patient’s physical condition病人的体质

physical condition体质;体形

pulse condition脉象

suit the conditions of the four seasons合四时之宜

the actual condition of the illness疾病的体质

the condition of one’s pulse脉象

the condition of one’s tongue舌象

the condition of the kidney determining the condition of the bones肾主骨

tongue condition舌象

The condition of the kidhey determines the condition of the bones.肾主骨。

traumatic condition伤情

twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition二十八脉

under normal condition在正常情况下

Let me look at your tongue condition.让我看看你的舌象。

His health is in a good condition.他的身体健康。

His boay’s condition is improved.他的体质好了。

You have an indistinct and mild pulse condition.你的脉象细弱了。

Taut pulse is the main pulse condition in malaria.弦脉是疟疾的主脉。

The conditions of the patient have been improved significantly.病情明显好转。

The patient is in a critical condition.病人处于十分危急的状况。

The patient’s condition is comparatively stable.病情基本稳定。

The patient is willing to confide his conditions to the doctor.病人愿意详细地倾吐病情。

The patient’s condition takes a favourable turn.病人病情好转。

Was your condition bad when you were admitted?你入院时病情严重吗?

Cold syndrome indicates that the pathologic conditions of a disease are cold in nature.寒症是说疾病性质属于寒性症候。

The nail reflects the condition of the liver.肝,其华在爪。

The facial complexion reflects the condition of heart.心,其华在面。
