
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:49:19

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第766页(1548字)


l n.损伤,损害,破损Ⅱ v.损害,伤害

avoid damages of the cold with cold寒无犯寒

avoid damages of the gastric qi无犯胃气

avoid damages of the heat wih heat热无犯热

damage of qi伤气

damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy妊娠毒药伤胎

damage of vital energy after trauma伤气

damage of yin by a febrile disease热病伤阴

damage physique伤形

damage the lung-metal肺金受害

damage yang伤阳

damage yin伤阴

damage yin and cause blood disorder伤阴动血

exudative skin damage湿疥

lung damaged by dryness-evil燥气伤肺

seven emotions of internal damage内伤七情

the damaged Chong and Ren Channels冲任损伤

trauma with visceral damage伤脏腑

uneasiness caused by internal damage内伤心神不安

visceral damage内脏破损

Yin and yang are both damaged.阴阳俱损

Overabundance causes damage and it should be suppressed.亢害承制。

In severe damage of yang,yin is involved.阳损及阴。

Damage of yang collateral results in bleeding from the upper part of the body.阳络伤,则血从上溢。

Damage of yin collateral results in bleeding from the lower part of the body.阴络伤,则血从下出。

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