出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第771页(3365字)
a concentrated decoction 浓煎剂
decoction bath溻浴
decoction for activating blood circulation活血汤
decoction for chyluria乳糜尿汤
decoction for clearing away gallbladderheat清胆汤
decoction for clearing away summer-heat清暑汤
decoction for clearing heat in the ying system清营汤
decoction for clearing lung-heat清肺汤
decoction for dissipating blood stasis清瘀汤
decoction for invigorating the spleen养脾汤
decoction for morbid leukorrhagia完带汤
decoction for nourishing the heart 养心汤
decoction for nourishing the liver and kidney一贯煎
decoction for nourishing yin养阴汤
decoction for postpartum troubles生化汤
decoction for recovery复元汤
decoction for reinforcing middle-warmer补中汤
decoction for reinforcing the viscera养脏汤
decoction for relieving dryness of the lung清燥救肺汤
decoction for relieving pantalgia due to blood stagnation身痛逐瘀汤
decoc tion for removing blood stagnation in the low er abdomen少腹逐瘀汤
decoction for removing blood stasis in the chest血府逐瘀汤
decoction for replenishing qi益气汤
decoction for resuscitation四逆汤
decoction for warming channels温经汤
decoction for warming the spleen温脾汤
decoction invigorating yang for recuperation补阳还五汤
decoction made from powder煮散
decoction of antelope’s horn and uncaria stem羚角钩藤汤
decoction of a wrapped drug包煎
decoction of baked yellow earth黄土汤
decoction of barley大麦煎(剂)
decoction of four ingredients四物汤
decoction of four noble drugs四君子汤
decoction of four wonderful drugs for quick restoration of health四妙勇安汤
decoction of prepared licorice炙甘草汤
decoction of three kinds of seed for the aged三子养亲汤
decoction of yellow dragon with supplements新加黄龙汤
decoction to be taken at any time不拘时服
drugs unsuitable for decoction不宜入煎的药
finished decoction药液,煎好的药液
guarantee the quality of the decoction保证煎药质量
peony decoction芍药汤
ten jujube decoction十枣汤
The decoction can be concentrated.可煎浓一些。
How can I get the decoction ready?这药怎么煎服?
Drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm.汤剂一般都是温服。
The decoction is to be taken warm in two separate doses该汤药分二次温服。
Decoction is a very common form of Chinese pharmaceutical preparations.汤剂是常用的中药剂型。
The decoction is better to be taken on an empty stomach in the early morning.该汤宜在清晨空腹服。