
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:04:29

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第809页(9515字)


Ⅰ n.①药,药物,药材②麻醉药品,麻醉剂,成瘾性毒品Ⅱ v.使服麻醉药,使麻醉,使服毒品,掺麻醉药于,常用麻醉药,吸毒成瘾

action of a drug药的作用,药的功用

active principles of drugs药的有效成份

a curative drug治疗性药物

adjuvant drug佐药

a drug addict(or user)吸毒成瘾的人

a mediating drug调和药

an excellent drug良药

a new specific drug最新良药

animal drug动物药

an innocuous drug无毒药

antimalarial drugs治疟药

a single drug单味药

asistant drug医药

a specific drug for gynaecological diseases妇科良药

a suppressive drug制止性药物

be avoided when the drug is used服该药时要忌…

be recuperated with drugs of cool-moist natures用凉润药物调理之

Chinese drug中药

Chinese drugs for warming the kidney and reinforcing yang温补肾阳的中药

Chinese drug store中药铺

clean and pure drugs清洁纯净的药物

cold drugs冷药

combine various drugs把各种药物组合在一起

compound drugs复味药

crude drug生药

damp-eliminating and spleen-strengthening aromatic drugs芳香、祛湿健脾的药物

damp-excreting drugs利湿药

diaphoretic and damp-relieving drugs疏表化湿药

diaphoretic and wind-eliminating drugs祛风解表药物

drastic actions of a drug药的烈性

dried drug干燥药;生药

drug abuse吸毒

drug addict吸毒上瘾

drug allergy药烦;药物过敏

drug compatibility药的配伍(关系)

drug dependance药瘾

drug dermatitis药物性皮炎

drug efficacy药效

drug for nourishing yin滋阴药

drug insanity药物性精神病

drug of hot nature热药

drug massage药摩

drug rash药疹

drug solomonseal玉竹(中药)

drug symptom药物症状

drugs capableof warming up yang and dispelling cold温阳散寒药

drugs cool in nature凉药

drugs excreting damp by tasteless淡渗利湿药

drugs for clearing away pathogenic heat from the blood清热凉血药

drugs for fracture and injury跌打损伤药

drugs for improving digestion and removing the stagnation消导药

drugs for promoting circulation of the blood and qi行气活血药

drugs for treating exterior syndromes解表药 drugs given cautiously慎用药

drugs irritating to the stomach and intestines对肠胃有刺激的药物

drugs of a cold and cool nature寒凉药物

drugs of a warm-heat nature温热药

drugs of bitter and cold nature苦寒药

durgs of bitter taste苦味药味

drugs of bland flavour淡味药

drugs of cool-moist nature凉润药

drugs of neutral nature平性药

drugs of nourishing yin滋阴药

drugs of similar characters and functions性能功效相似之药

drugs of superior quality上等药材;上乘药材

drugs of warm and invigorating nature温补药

drugs used to remove heat from the blood凉血药

drugs which resolve dampness and enliventhe spleen化湿醒脾药

drugs with pungent and hot properties辛热药

drugs with salty and cold properties咸寒药

drugs with similar functions and effects功效相近的药物

encircling drugs箍围药

famous drugs名药

famous indigenous drugs特产名药

fire for decocting durgs煎药用火

flavor of a drug药味

four natures of drugs四气(性)

gluey drugs胶性药物

greasy and thick drugs in tastes厚味滋腻的药物

guiding drug使药

heat-clearing and damp-drying drug清热燥湿药

heat-clearing and fire-purging drug清热泻火药

heat-clearing drug清热药

herbal drugs草药

incompatibility of drugs in a prescription配伍宜忌

infusing drugs in wine药酒

invigorating drug补品;补药

liver-calming and yang-restraining drugs平肝潜阳药

liver-clearing and qi-inhibiting drugs疏肝破气药

liver-clearing and qi-regulating drugs疏肝理气药

liver-yin-nourishing dru gs滋养肝阴药

mask a drug使药吃起来不苦

make drugs into frostlike powder制霜

mediating drugs和药

methods for decocting drugs煎药方法

methods of decocting and taking drugs煎服法

mild drugs作用缓和的药

mineral drugs矿物药

(the)ministerial drug臣药

moderate extremely cold or dry property of a drug缓和药物过寒过燥的偏性

modify the irritation of a drug减低药物的刺激性

modify the property and action of a drug减轻药性作用

monarch drug君药

nature of a drug药性

non-poisonous drug无毒药

nourishing drugs补品

oily drugs含油脂的药物

ordinary drugs一般药物

parch a drug into brown(将药)炒焦

parch a drug into charcoal(将药)炒炭

parch a drug into yellow(将药)炒黄

pain-killing drugs止痛药

potency of drug药力

potent drug for removing blood stasis破血药

potent drugs作用强的药,药力大的药

powdered drug散剂,散剂药

precious drugs贵重药物

prevent moulding of drugs防止药物发霉

principal drug主药;君药

processed drug炮制过的药材

process crude drug炮制生药材

processing drugs炮制药材

prohibited drugs禁用药

property of a drug药性

sedative drugs安神药

sour drugs酸味药

specific drug特效药

splenic tonics and qi-elevating drugs补肾升气药

sticky drugs粘性药物

subsidiary drugs辅药

sudorific drugs汗药

suitable drugs相配伍的药

take drug following its infusion冲服

the bitter drugs of cold nature to purge the liver fire性味苦寒清泻肝火药

the damp-drying drugs with bitter taste and cold property苦寒燥湿药

the damp-drying drugs with bitter taste and warm propery苦温燥湿药

the drug habit吸毒癖

the drugs with the effect of strengthening the spleen and reinforcing qi健脾益气药

the form of a drug剂型

the principal drugs君药

the toxicity and side effects of a drug药的毒副作用

tonic drugs滋补药

topical application of drugs敷药法;敷帖

traditional drugs传统药品

unified quality standard of drugs(or medicines)药物的统一质量标准

use herbal drugs to treat diseases用草药治病

usual drugs一般药物

utensil for decocting drugs煎药工具

valuable nutritious botanical drugs名贵的植物药

variety of drugs药物品种

vegetable drug植物药

volatile aromatic drugs芳香走散的药物

warming after applying drugs热烘

water for decocting drugs煎药用水

white drug-powder白色药粉;白色药面

wind-calming drugs熄风药

yin-essence-tonifying drugs补益阴精药

Yunan White Drug-powder云南白药

Few drugs are completely innocent.完全无害的药极少。

Sour and sweet drugs can nourish yin.酸甘化阴。

The drug is sweet and mild.本药味甘平和。

Most of the traditional Chinese drugs are crude drugs.中药大都是原生药。

The drug is harvested in autumn.这种药在秋季采收。

The drug is dried in sunlight.该药要晒干。

The drug is used unprepared.该药生用。

This drug alone is made into a tincture.本药(本品)可单用制成酊剂。

This drug is not suitable in case of loose stool.该药便溏者不宜服用。

Proper drugs can be dispensed according to the different symptoms.对症下药。

The drug has been proved to be reliable and effective by clinical observations.这种药临床观察,证明疗效好。

The drug has lost its potency by being exposed to moisture.这种药因受潮失效。
