
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:09:06

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第827页(1514字)




a malnourished patient with emaciation疳积患者肌瘦

emaciation due to blood disorders干血劳

emaciation due to chronic blood stasis干血劳

emaciation due to emotional upset风消

emaciation due to general deficiency虚劳羸瘦

emaciation due to yin-deficiency and retention of heat-evil in the liver,the heart,and the kidney因肝、心、肾三经阴虚内热所致的形体消瘦

emaciation in children小儿消瘦

emaciation or dropsy形体消瘦或浮肿

emaciation with polyphagia善食而瘦

emaciation with sallow complexion羸瘦萎黄

emaciation with yellowish complexion面黄肌瘦

excessive emaciation过度消瘦

extreme emaciation脱肉破

gradual emaciation and weakness身体日见消瘦

obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy大肉陷下

psychogenic emaciation风消

the lower emaciation下消

the middle emaciation中消

the three emaciation三消

the upper emaciation上消

wind emaciation风消

His weak appetite resulted in his emaciation.他胃口不好,结果使他消瘦下来了。

Wind emaciation refers to the symptom complex of emaciation caused by emotional disturbances.风消指精神刺激后的身体消瘦症。

上一篇:emaciate 下一篇:emaciation-thirst