
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:19:57

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第860页(1104字)


Ⅰ n.晕厥,昏倒郁冒Ⅱ a.衰弱的;虚弱的;微弱的Ⅲ v.昏厥

deep faint pulse脉沉细

faint breathing呼吸微弱

faint due to emotional upset惊厥

faint during acupuncture晕针

faint from fear惊厥

faint image微弱影像

faint pulse脉微

faint skin rashes斑疹隐现

fall in a dead faint昏倒

falling due to faint眴仆

go off in a faint昏过去

He was faint with hunger and cold.他因饥寒而昏倒。

His breathing became faint.他的呼吸变得微弱了。

His strength grew faint.他的体力渐渐衰退了。

She looks faint.看来她象要晕倒了。

She went off in a faint.她昏过去了。

The boys fainted because of the heat.孩子们受暑昏倒。

The signs of the ordinary faint are marked as facial pallor and moist cold skin.普通昏厥的症象是脸色灰白,皮肤湿冷。

The sounds grew fainter.声音渐渐微弱。

上一篇:failure 下一篇:fainting