
出处:按学科分类—经济 企业管理出版社《涉外会计实用手册》第1636页(55877字)


abandoned assets 弃置资产

abatement of tax 减税

abnormal depreciation 特别折旧

aboriginal cost 原始成本

absorption account 补助帐

accelerated depreciation 加速折旧

acceleration clause 提前偿付条款

acceptance 票据或汇票

acceptance bank(house) 承兑银行

acceptance check 验收

acceptance contract 承兑合同

acceptance credit 承兑信贷

acceptance ietter of credit 承兑信用证

accepted bill,accepted draft 承兑汇票

accepting bank 承兑银行

accident losses 意外损失

accommodation 通融、调济

accommodation bill note 通融票据

account 帐户、科目、帐簿

account balance 帐户余额

account bill 帐单

account classification 会计科目分类

account code 会计科目编号

account current 往来帐户

account form 帐户格式

account number 帐户编号

account rendered 报帐、结欠帐单

accountability 会计责任、责任

accounting and management of material 材料核算和管理

accounting basis 会计基础

accounting control 会计控制、会计监督

accounting convention 会计惯例

accounting document 会计凭证

accounting entity 会计单位

accounting error 会计错误

accounting event 会计业务

accounting information system 会计信息系统

accounting manual 会计手册

accounting methods 会计方法

accounting objective 会计目标

accounting on the accrnal basis 权责发生制

accounting period or fiscal period 会计期间

accounting policies 会计政策

accounging practice 会计实务、会计业务

accounting principles 会计原则

accounting procedures 会计程序

accounting records 会计记录

accounting report 会计报告(表)

accounting standards 会计标准

accounting system 会计制度

accounting theory 会计理论

accounting transaction 会计分录、会计处理

accounting title 帐户名称,会计科目

accounting unit 会计单位

accounting vonchers 会计凭证

accounts payable 应付帐款

accounts payable ledger 应付帐款明细分类帐

accounts receivable 应收帐款

accounts receivable factoring 应收帐款让售

accounts receivable ledger 应收帐款明细分类帐

accedited buyer 开证申请人

accual basis of accounting 会计权责发生制

accomulated amortization 累计摊销

accumulated deficit(losses) 累计亏损

accumulated depraciation 累计折旧

accumulated surplus(profit) 累积盈余

acquisition 采购、买进

acquisition price 购置价格

acquittal (债务的)清偿

acqusition cost 取得成本

action projects 行动计划

active trade balace 贸易顺差

activity accounting 业务会计

actual tare 实际包皮重量

addition insurance 加保

addition to tax 附加税

additional charges(surcharget) 附加费用

addjust 调整、理算

adjust accounts 调整帐户科目

adjusted trial balance 调整后试算表

adjusting entry 调整分录

adjustment of exchange rate 调整汇率

adjustment process 调整步骤

administrative accounting 管理会计

administrative and selling expenses 管理及推销费用

administrative budget 行政预算,管理预算

admissible assets 课税资产

advance 预支、预付款、垫款

advance from others 预收款项

advace in cash 垫款、预付现金

advance in price 涨价

advance money on contract 预付定金

advance money on security 预付保证金

advance payment 预付款

advances on engineering projects 预付工程款

advances to suppliers(renders) 预付货款、预付定金

adverstising expense 广告费

advice note 通知单

advice of drawing 提款通知书

affiliate 关联公司、分支机构、附属公司、联号

afioat 在途

African Development Bank 非洲开发银行

African Finance Community 非洲金融共同体

after-closing trial balance 结帐后试算表

after date 出票后

after sight 见票后

against the next payment of tax 抵作下期税款

agency 代理机构

agency contract 代理合同

agency fund 代管基金

agency receipts 代收款项、收据

agent 代理人

agent service 代理业务

aggregate amount 总金额

aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表

aging accounts 帐龄

agio 差价、贴水、扣头、折扣

agreed insured value 约定保险价值

agreed price 议定价格

AIA AICPA(American Institute of Certifled Public Accountants) 美国会计师公会

allowable expenses 可列支的费用

allowance 减免、折扣、折让、津贴、补助费、备抵准备

allowance for bad debts 备抵坏帐

allowance for depreciation 折旧准备

allowance for uncollectibles(allowance for bad debts) 备抵坏帐、坏帐准备

alteration 改建、更新改造

amalgamation 合并

amortization 摊销

amortiztion amount 摊提额

amount in figures 小写金额

amount in words 大写金额

annexed schedules 附表

annual balance sheet 年度决算表

annual budget 年度预算

annual bulletin 年度公报

annual growth rate 年增长率

annual rate 年率

annual rate of increase 年增长率

annuty 年金、养老金

anticipated proit 预计利益

antidnmping duty 反倾销税

application for letter of credit 开发信用证申请书

application for retiring bill 赎票申请书

application for shares 认股书

apply for registration expense 申请登记费

apply for remittance 托汇

appointed bank 指定银行

apportioned amount 分摊额

apportioned charge 分摊费用

apportuned cost 分摊成本

appraisal 估价

appreciation 增值、涨价

appreciation of a currency 货币价值

appropriation 核定经费

appropriation account 经费帐

appropriation budget 经费预算、支出预算

apl oval 批准、核准

approval budget 核定预算、法定预算

approval documents 批准文件

approval sales 试销

arbitrage 套汇

arbitrage rate 套汇率

arrival draft 到期汇率

Asia-Dollar 亚洲美元

Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行

Asian Reserve Bank 亚洲储备银行

assessed tax 征税、核税

asset 资产

asset depreciation range 资产折旧期限

asset turnover 资产周转率

assignee 受让人

assignment 转让

at a preminm 溢价

attachment 查封财产

audit 查帐、审计

audit opinion 审核意见

audited vouchers 审查凭单

authorized capital 核定资本、额定资本、法定资本

authorized limits 核定限额

authorized stock 法定股本

auxieiary accounts 补助帐

average cost method 平均成本法


back order 延期交货

back tax 退税

bad account 呆帐

bad checks 空头支票

bad debt 呆帐、坏帐

bad debts reserve 坏帐准备

bade debt recovery 坏帐回收

balance 平衡、余额

balance account 结算帐户

balance carried 结转余额

balance down 结存余额

balance due 不足额、结欠

balance of current account 往来帐户差异

balance of payments position 国际收支状况

balance of trade(merchandise balance) 贸易差额(商品差额)

balance sheet 资产负债表

balance sheet date 结帐日

bank acceptance 银行承兑(汇票)

bank account(s) 银行帐户

bank bill(draft) 银行票据

bank balance 银行存款余额

bank book 银行存折

bank charge 银行手续费

bank check 银行支票

bank clearing 银行票据交换

bank commission 银行手续费

bank credit 银行信贷

bank credit card 银行信用卡

bank deposit 银行存款

bank deposit certificate 银行存款凭证

bank discount 银行贴现

bank dratf 银行汇票

Bank For International Settlements 国际清算银行

bank loan 银行贷款

bank money order 银行汇款单

bank note 银行票据

Bank of Communications 交通银行

bank overdraft 银行透支

bank pass book 银行存折

bank prime rate 银行贴现利率

bank rate 银行贴现率、银行利率(日息)

bank settlement procedures are used 采用银行结算方式

banker’s clearing house 票据交易所

bank statement 银行对帐单

banking system 银行系统

bankrupt 破产

bargain money 定金

barter trade(transaction) 易货交易

base price 基价

basic credit line 贷款限额

basket purchase 整套购买、总购

bear 空头

bearer bond 无记名债券

bearer check 不记名支票、持票人支票

bearer draft 来人会票、不记名汇票

beginning inventery 期初存货

behind in one’s payment 逾期付款

belated payment 滞纳金

bilateral clearing 双边清算

bilateral payment 双边支付

bilateral trade 双边贸易

bill 票据,帐单

bill broker 证券经纪人、票据经纪人

bill discounted 票据贴现

bill for a term 兑换期票

bill for collection 托收票据

bil l of dishonour 拒付票据

bill of exchange 汇票

bill payable 应付票据

bill payable at long sight 远期票据

bill payable on demand 来取即付的票据

bill purchased 出口押汇

bill receivable 应收票据

bill rediscount 票据再贴现

blank bill 空白票据

blank cheque 空白支票

blank endorsement 空白背书

blocked account 冻结帐户

blotter 原始帐(即日记帐)

bond 债券

bond interest 债券利息

bouns 奖金、红利

bouns share 红股

book by single entry 单式簿记

book inventory 帐面盘存

book of original entry 原始记录簿

book value 帐面价值

break faith 失去信用

budget accounts 预算科目(帐户)

budget allotments 分配预算

budget control 预算控制

budget deficif 预算赤字

budget elimate(estimation) 概算

budget emforcement 预算执行

budget item 预算项目

budget management 预算管理

budget of foreign exchange receipts and payment 外汇收支预算

budget period 预算期间

budgct procedure 预算程序

budget system 预算制度

budget year 预算年度

bull 买空、多头

business receipts 营业收入

business report 营业报告

business tax 营业税

business transaction 交易

business volume 营业额

buyer credit 买方信贷

buyers’market 买方市场

buying rate 买入汇率


call loans 活期放款

callable loan(call loan) 短期拆借

callable preferred stock 可收回优先股

cancelled check 注销支票

capital 资本、生产工具

capital asset 资本资产

capital budget 资本预算

capital equipment 资本(生产)设备

capital expenditure 资本支出

capital flight 资本外逃

capital investment 资本投资、固定资产投资

capital market 资本市场

capital operations 经营资本

capital autlay 资本支出

capital stock 股本

capital stock anthorized 核定股本

capital stock certificare 股票

capital stock snbscribed 已认股本

capital structure 资本结构

capital sum 本全、基金

capital transfer 资本转移

capitalization of a coporation 经营资本总额

capitalization of earnings 收益资本化

carried over 过次页、转入

carrydown 转下期、结转

cash 现金

cash against documents 凭单据付现

cash basis accounting 现金收付制

cash bndegt 现金预算

cash book 现金簿

cash call 筹措资金

cash credit slip 现金支出传票

cash debit slip 现金收入传票

cash deposit as collateral,margin 保证金、押金

cash disbursement journal 日记簿

cash discount 现金折扣

cash dividend 现金股利

cash flow 现金流动

cash in bank 银行存款

cash in bank-special funds 专项存款

cash in deposit 银行存款

cash on delivery(C.O.D) 交货付款

cash on hand 库存现金

cash overages or shartages 现金溢余或短缺

cash payment 支付现金、付现

cash position 现金头寸

cash receipt journal 现金收入登记簿

cash receipts and disbursements 现金收支

cash remittance note 解款单

cashier’s check 本票

caution security 保证金

ceiling rate 最高汇率

central bank 中央银行

certificate of deposit 存单

certified check 签证支票、保付支票

chain banking 连锁折扣

chain discount 连续折扣

character loan 信用借款

charge for remittances 汇费

charge off 出帐、冲销

charge paid 付讫

chargeable period 应税期间

charges forward 费用到付

chart of accounts 会计科目表

check 支票、核对

check book 支票簿

check register 支票登记簿

check sheet 对帐单

check stub 支票存根

check to bearer 不记名支票

check to order 记名支票

checking deposit 活期存款

cheque crossed specially 特别划线支票

Chinese Renminbi(yuan) 中国人民币(元)

chronological table 年表

chronological record 序时记录

circular note 旅行支票

C.I.F(cost,insurance and freight) 到岸价格

circulating asset 流动资产

circulating capital 流动资金、流动资本

circulation (货币)流通、通货、货币、发行额

claim 请求权、索赔、债权

classification item 分类项目

classification of account 会计科目分类

clause 条款、款项

clean bill 信用票据、光票

clean draft 光票

clean ietter of credit 光票信用证

clearing 票据交换、清算

clearing account 清结帐户、过渡帐户

clearing house 票据交换所

clsoe of a business year 年度决算

close on account 结转

closed account 已结帐户

closed cheque 已结信的支票、画线支票

closing entries 结帐分录

closing price 收盘价

CMEA(concil for mutual Economic Assistance) 经济互助委员会(简称经互会)

code 编号、符号

coin 铸币、硬币、金钱

collection charge 托收费

collection order 托收委托书

combined statement 合并报表

commercial bank 商业银行

commercial draft 商业汇票

commercial invoice 商业发票

commercial letter of credit 商业信用证

commercial paper 商业票据

compensation 赔偿、报酬、付工资(美)

compilation a budget 编制预算

compiling accounting statement 编制会计报表

composite depreciation 综合折旧

composite life method 综合寿命、折旧法

compound interest 复利

compound journal entry 多项分录式日记帐

compute at the close of the business year 年终结算

confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证

confirming bank 保兑银行

conformation 一致性、适应、符合

confused account 帐目混乱

consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表

consolidared financial statement 合并财务报表

consolidated income statement 合并收益表

construction in process 在建工程

consumable supplies 消耗材料

contingent assets 或有资产

contingent fund 意外损失基金、应急费用

contingent liabiiities 或有负债

contingent reserve 意外准备

continuous compunding 连续复利

continuous inventory method 永续盘存

contra account 抵销帐户

contractual security 债权性证券

contributed capital 缴纳资本

contribution margin 边际利润

control account 控制帐户、统制帐户

controller 会计长、会计主任

conventional accounting 会计惯例

convertible currency 可兑换货币

convertibl e debenture 可兑换债券

convertible bonds 可调换债券

convertible preferred stock 可转换优先股

convertible security 可转换证券

corporated bond 公司债

corpus 本金

cost accounting 成本会计

cost apportionments 成本分配

cost control 成本控制

cost distribution 成本分配

cost element 成本因素

cost finding 成本计算

cost,insurance and freight(CIF) 到岸价格

cost,insurance,freight and commission 到岸价加佣金(CIFE)

cost,insurance,freight and exchange 到岸价加兑换费(CIFE)

cost,insurance,freight,and war risks 到岸价加战争险

cost of capital 资金成本

cost of construction and reparing 修造成本

cost of goods manafactured 制成品成本

cost of processing service rendered 加工成本

cost of replacement 重置成本

cost of services rendered 劳务成本

cost price 成本价格

cost principle 成本原则

cost ratio 成本率

cost-unit 单位成本

cost variance 成本差异

coupon rate 息票利率

cover note 承保单

cover the deficit 弥补亏损

covering warrant 收款书

credit 贷项、贷方、信用

credit balanece 贷差、贷方余额

credit card 信用卡

credit control 信贷控制

credit entry 贷方分录

credit inflation 信贷膨胀

credit limit or credit line 信用限额

credit loss 信用损失

credit note 收款通知

credit repayment 偿还贷款

credit restriction 信贷限制

credit terms 付款条件

cross check 划线支票、交互核对

cross rate 套汇价、套汇汇率

crossed cheque 划线支票

cumulative preferred stock 累积优先股

currency conversion 外汇兑换

current account 往来帐户

current asset 流动资产

current deposit 活期存款

current fund 流动资(基)金

current liability 流动负债

current payment 经常性开支

current ratio 流动比率

current value 现值


daily reports 月报表

date of acquision 购置日期

date of draft 出票日期

data of payment 支付日期

dead account 坏帐

dear money 银根紧、高利

debit 借方、借记

debit and credit conventions 借贷法则

debit and credit method借贷记帐法

debit side 借方

debt-equity ratio 负债对资产净值的比率

debtor 债务人、借款人

declining-balance depreciation 余额递减折旧

deferred payment 延期付款

delay in payment 延期支付

delayed credit 前期收益

demand biu 即期汇票

demand compensation 索赔

demand deposit 活期存款

demand draft,sight bili 即期汇票

demand loan 活期放款

demand note 即期票据

denomination 面额

departmental account 分部帐户

depletion assets 递耗资产

depositt account 存款帐户

deposit foreign exchange abroad 境外外汇存款

deposit slip 存款单

depreciable life 折旧年限

depreciable unit 折旧单位

depreciation at the original rate 按原价折旧

depreciation-appraisal method 估价折旧法

depreciation for fixed assets 固定资产折旧

depreciation fund 折旧基金

depreeiation grossearning method 总收益提成折旧法

depreciation insurance method 保险折旧法

depreciation inventory method 盘存折旧法

depreciation job method 分批折旧法

depreciation rate 折旧率

depreciation reduceing instalment method 分期递减折旧法

depreciation-straight-line method 直线折旧法

depreciation-working hour method 工作时数折旧法

detail ledger 明细分类帐

development banking 开发银行

direct charges 直接费用

direct cost(expense) 直接成本

direct distribustion method 直接分摊法

disbursing officer 出纳员

discount 折扣、贴现

discount a bill 贴现(扣减)期票

discount earned 折扣收入

discount loan 贴现贷款

discounting of notes receivable 应收票据贴现

discount on notees 票据贴现

dishonoured check 空头支票、不兑现支票

dishonoured notes 拒付票据

divided column journal 多栏日记簿

dividend 股利、利息

document of settlement 结算单据

documentary acceptance 跟单承兑

documentary bill 跟单汇票

documentary letter of credi】 跟单信用证

documents against acceptance(D/A) 承兑交单

documents against payment(D/A) 付款交单

domestic draft 国内汇票

domestic trade 国内贸易

double entry accounting 复式会计(分录)

double-entry bookkeeping 复式簿记

double insurance 复保险、重复保险

down payment 预付定金

draft 汇票、支取(款项)

draw drafts 出票

drawee 付款人、受票人

drawer 出票人

drawings 提款

drawing account 往来帐户、提存帐户

due date 到期日、满期日

due from other fund 应收其他基金款


earning 盈余、收入、收益

earnings cycle 营业循环、收益循环

earnings statement 损益表

easy money 银根松、低利资金

easy position 头寸宽裕

effective exchange rate 实际汇率

effective money 硬币

effective or yield rate of interest 实得利率

effective(interest)rate 实际利率

elements of cost 成本要素

ending balance 期末余额

ending inventory 期末存货

endorsee 被背书人

endorsement 背书

endorsement for collections 委托收款背书

endorser 背书人

enter in the account(entry account) 记帐

equity 权益、产权、股票、证券(英)

equity capital 自有资本

equity capital turnover 投资总额、周转率

equtiy ratio 产权比率

equity ratio 权益比率

Euro-Dollar 欧洲美元

Euro-Dollar Market 欧洲美元市场

evidence 证据、凭证

evidence of debt 借据

exact interest 实际利息、精确的利息

exchange bank 外汇银行

exchange charge 汇兑费用

exchange control 外汇管理

exchange earnings 外汇收入

exchange equal ization account(EEA) 外汇平准帐户

exchange fluetuation 汇价变动

exchange quota system 外汇限额制度

exchange rate 汇率、汇价、兑汇率

exchange rate margin 汇率波动幅度

exchange rate quotations 外汇牌价

exchange restrietion 外汇限制

export bill 出口汇票

export finance 出口信贷

export letter of credit 出口信用证

export credit insurance 出口信用(贷)保险

exportt credit guarantee 出口信贷保险

express money order 快汇汇票


factory cost 制造成本

fifo(first-in firstout) 先进先出法

final entry 最终记录、终结记录

final statement 决算表

finance accounting 财务会计

finance markets 金融市场

financial analysis 财务分析

financial budget 财务预算

financial expense 财务费用

financial institution 金融机构

financial lease 融资租赁

financial position(condition) 财务状况

financial position statement 财务状况表

financial ratio 财务比率

financial structure 财务结构

fire insurance 火险

first-lien 第一留置权

first mortgage 第一抵押权

f.i.s.h.(fist-in still here) 先进未出法

fixed exchange rate system 固定汇率制

fixed parity 固定比价

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率

floating exchange rate system 浮动汇率制

floating loan 流动贷款

floating prime rate of interest 浮动基本利率

flow of costs 成本流程

F.O.B.price 船上交货价、某地交货价

folio 分类帐页次、页数

forced saving 强迫性储蓄

forecasting cash disbursement 预计现金支出

foreign currency quota accounts 外汇额度帐户

foreign exchange budget 外汇预算

foreign exehange deposit accounts 外汇存款帐户

foreign exchange gain or loss 汇兑损益

foreign exchange income and expenditure 外汇收入和支出

foreign exchange official rate 外汇牌价兑换率

forward exchange transaction 外汇期货交易

forwards,futures 期货交易

fractional money 辅币

free loan 无息贷款、无偿贷款

free rate 自由汇兑率

frozen credit 冻结信贷

full endorsement 记名背书

full payment 全部付款

futures market 期货市场


general accounts 总分类帐

general inventory 财产目录

gold and foreign exchange reserves 黄金外汇储备

gold certificate 黄金券

gold coin standard 金币本位制

gold content 含金量

gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位制

gold export 黄金输出

gold import 黄金输入

gold parity 黄金平价

gold reserve 黄金储备

gold standard 金本位制

gross book value 帐面总值

gross domestic product 国内生产总值

gross import(export)value 进(出)口总值

gross liability 总负债

gross national product 国民生产总值

gross product 总产量

gross revenue 总收益,收入总额

group financial statement 合并资产负债表


heading 表首、表头

hedging 套头交易、抵平

holdback 扣存款

holding gain or loss 拥有损益


idle fund 闲置资金

immaterial assets 无形资产

immediate assets 流动资产

immediate(prompt)cash payment 即期付现

immediate liability 流动负债

immediate payment 立即支付

immigrants remittance 外侨汇款

immovable property 不动产

import bill 进口汇票

import letter of credit 进口信用证

import(export)quota 输入(出)限额

imprest fund 定额备用金

imputed interest 估算利息

incidental charge(expense) 杂费

income bonds 收益债券

income frome investments 投资收益

income from sale of assets 出售资产收入

income sheet(income statement) 损益表

income statement accounts 损益帐户

inconvertible currency 不能兑换的货币

increment 增值

incur expenditure 发生费用

index 指数、目录

indirect quotation 间接标价

initial entries 原始记录

inland bill 国内汇票

installment credit 分期付款信贷

installment revenue 分期付款销货收入

instruments payable in foreign currency 外币支付凭证

instruments in foreign exchange 外汇证券

insurance 保险

insurance certification 保险凭证

insurance coverage 承保范围

insurance indemnity 保险赔偿

insurance policy 保险单

insurance reserce 保险储备

insured amount 保额

insurer 保险商、承保人

intangible fixed asset 无形固定资产

inter-bank rate 银行同业间拆放利率

interest accrued 应收未收利息

interest date 付息日

interest expense 利息费用

interest-free loans 无息贷款

interest on equity capital 资本利息

interest receipts 利息收入

interest receivable 应收利息

interest subsidization 利息补贴

internal current account 内部往来

International Accounting Standards Committee 国际会计标准委员会

inter-fund accounts 基金往来帐户

International Bank for Reconstruction and Devei opment 国际复兴开发银行

International Finance Corporation(IFC) 国际金融公司

International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

international settlement 国际结算

inventory list 盘存清单

inventory turnover 存货周转率

investment 投资

investment in bonds 债券投资

investment in securities 证券投资

investment truse 投资信托公司

invoice 发票

invoice for purchase 进货发票

invoice for sales 销货发票

invoice price 发票价格

inward documentary bills 进口押汇、进口证明单

inward remittance 汇入汇款

IOV(inter-office voucher) 列帐通知传票

irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销的信用证

issue securities 发行债券

issuing(opening)bank 开证银行

investment turnover 投资周转率


job lot method 分批法

joint-stock bank 股份银行

joint stock company 股份公司

joint stock company limited 股份有限公司

joint stock limited partnership 股份两合公司

journal 日记帐

journal day book 分录日记帐

journal entry 日记簿分录

journal voucher 分录凭单(简写J/V)转帐传票

journalize 编制分录

juggled cost 虚列成本


key currency 关键货币

kickback 回扣、酬金

kite 空头支票


last-in first-out(LIFO) 后进先出法

law of accounts 会计法

law of corporaition 公司法

lease 租赁

Ieasehold 租赁权益

leasing expenses 租赁费用

ledger account 分类帐户

ledger journal 日记分类帐

ledger sheet 分类帐页

ledger transfer 科目转移

lender 贷款人、出借人

letter of credit 信用证

letter of credit amount 信用证金额

letter of credit terms 信用证条款

liabilities 负债

liability account 负债帐户

liability dividend 负债股利

liability under endorsement 背书负债

life insurance 人寿保险

life insurance premiums 人寿保险费

limited liability 有限责任

line of credit 信用限额

liquid assets 流动资产

liquid investment 短期投资

liquid liability 流动负债

liquidation 清算、偿债

liquidation account 清理帐户

liquidation profit and loss 清算损益

liquidation statement 清算表

liquidator 清算人

liquidity 偿债能力

listed security 上市证券

loan 贷款、借款、出借、借出

loan capital 借款资本

loan payable 应付借款

long account 多头帐户

long-term advance 长期预付款

long-term bonds 长期债券

long term loan 长期借款

long-term investment 长期投资

loanable funds 可贷资金

loss on exchange 汇兑损失

low interest rate 低息


mail transfer 信汇

maker(drawer) 出票人

managerial accounting 管理会计

manufacturing expense 制造费用

margage 抵押

margin 垫头

marginal balance 边际差额

marginal cost 边际成本

marginal revenue 边际收入

marine insurance 海上保险

market rate 市场利率

marketable securities 有价证券

maturity amount 到期金额

maturity date 到期日

means(instrument)of payment 支付手段(工具)

medium term loan 中期放款

memorandum 备忘录、便函、通知单

monetary ease;easy money 银根松

monetary liabilities 货币性负债

monetary mechanisms 货币结构

monetary system 货币制度

monetary unit 货币单位

money of account 记帐货币

money order(M.O) 汇款单、汇票

money squeeze 银根紧

monthly installments 分月付款

moratorium 延期偿还、延期付款

mortgage assets 抵押资产

mortgage clause 抵押条款

multilateral clearing 多边清算

multilateral lending 多边借款

multipie rate 多种汇率、复汇率

mutual insurance 相互保险


name of account 帐户名称

native interest 当地利息、国内利息

negotiable instrument 可转让证券、流通证券

negotiable promissory note 流通票据、本票

negotiated amount 议付金额

negotiating bank 议付银行

ngt book value 帐面净值

net present value 净现值

net proceeds 净收入

net realizable value 可变净现值

next in first out method 次进先出法

nominal amount 面额

nominal capital 额定资本

nominal rate 名义利率、票面利率

non-business expenditure 营业外支出

non-business income 营业外收入

non-convertible currencies 不可兑换的货币

non-cumulative preferred stock 非累积优先股

nonoperating 营业外收入与费用,非营业性的

non operating expenses 营业外费用

non operating revenues 营业外收入

non-par value stock 无面值股票

no par 无面值

normal year 正常年度

nostro account 往帐

note of dishonour 退票通知

note payable 应付票据

notes payable register 应付票据登记簿

notes receivable 应收票据

notes receivable discount 已贴现的应收票据

notes renewal 转期票据


obligation 负债

official rate 法定汇率

open account 未清帐户

open foreign exchange deposit accounts 开外汇存款帐户

operating cost(expenses) 营业成本(费用)

operating income(profit) 营业收益(利润)

operating revenues 营业收入

opposite account 对方科目

order check 抬头人支票、指定支票、记名支票

original capital 原始成本

original entry 原始分录

original evidence(documents) 原始凭证

original vouchers 原始单据

other advance 其它预收款

outgo 开支,费用,支出

outlay 支出

out of pocket 付现

outstandign loan 未偿贷款

outstanding shares 发行在外股份

outward remittance 汇出汇款

overage and shortage on inventory 盘存盈亏

overseas chinese remittance 华侨汇款


paper money 纸币

paper profit 帐面利益、未实现利益

par 票面额,面值

par exchange rate 固定汇率

par of exchange 外汇平价、货币兑换率

partial payments 部分付款

pass book 存折

pass entry 入帐

past due notes 过期票据

pay certificate 付款凭证

pay-in book 送款簿

pay to bearer 付持票人

payee 受(收)款人、收款单位

payer 付款人

payment at sight 见票即付

payment by installments 分期付款

payment in advance 预付

payment notice 缴款通知单

payment of interest 付息

payment stopped 止付

payment vourchers(P/V) 支付凭单、支出传票

payoff period 回收期

periodie inventory 定期盘存

permanent asset 永久资产

perpetual inventory 永续盘存

physical asset 有形资产

pledge asset 抵押资产

plow back 再投资

policy holder 保单持有人

post 过帐

post dated check 远期支票

postal money order 邮政汇票

postal remittance 邮政汇款

posting 过帐

pre paid insurance 预付保险费

premium(insurance premium) 保险费、贴水、升水

premuim rate 保险费率、保险费价格

prepayments on purchase 预付定金

prime rate 基本利率

principle 本金

principle books 主要帐簿

principle of consistency 一贯原则

proceeds 收入、收款

profit 利润

profit and loss 损益

profit and loss for current period 本期损益

profit and loss statement 损益表

profit and loss summary 损益汇总

profit margin 利润率

profit on exchange 兑换利益

profit on operation 营业利益

profit realized 已实现利益

promissory note 本票、期票

prompt day 交割日

prompt goods 现货

proprietorship 独资企业

provision 预提费用

provisional invoice 临时发票

provisional regulation for exchange control 外汇管理暂行条例

proxy 代理,委托,授权书

purchase price 购置价格

purchase discount 进货折扣

purchase expense 购置费用

purchase invoice 购货发票

pure rate of interest 纯利率

put 空头卖出,期货买卖


quasi rent 准租金

quantity theory of money 货币数量论

quick ratio 速动比率


raised check 涂改支票

raising fund 筹措资金

rate of discount 贴现率、折扣率

rate of dividend 股利率

rate of exchange 汇兑率

rate of freight 运费率

rate of income(crreturn)on investment 投资报酬率

rate of interest 利率

rate of margin 毛利率

rate of premium 升水率、贴水率

rate of turnover 周转率

rationing of exchange 外汇配给

real accounts 实帐户

real estate 不动产

real income 实际收入

real money 硬币

real price 实际价格

realizable value 可变现值,市场价值

realization 变现

realized profit 已实现利润

receipt 收入

receivable 应收款项

receivalbe turnover 应收帐款周转率

receiver 清算人、接管人

recipient bank 接受银行

reciprocal account 对应帐户

reciprocal letter of credit 对开信用证

reconciliation statement 银行余额调节表

record date 登记日期

record of cash disbursement 现金支出记录

record of cash receipts 现金收入记录

recourse 追索权

rediscount 再贴现

reducing balance method-depreciation 余额递减法

refund 退款

register 登记簿

registered bonds 记名债券

reinsurance 再保险

rejection 拒收

release of fund 拨款

relevant bank account 有关银行帐户

remittance 汇款

remitter 汇款人

repayment 偿还,付还(钱等)

replacement costs 重置成本

reserve bank 储备银行

reserve currency 储备货币

reserve for bad debts 坏帐准备

reserve for depreciation 折旧准备

reserve fund 准备基金

restricted fund 指定资金

revenues 营业收入

revenue recognition 营业收入的确定

reversal(reversing)entry 转回分录

revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证

revolving fund 周转金

right of patent 专利权,特许权

risk 风险

risk adjusted discount rate 按风险调整的贴现率

royalty 特许权使用费,矿区使用费,版税

rules of debit and credit 借贷法则

ruling 结平帐户,划线

ruling an account 结帐

running inventory 永续盘存


salaries and wages payable 应付工资

salee by auction 拍卖

sale of business 出盘

sales invoices 销货发票

sales received in advance 预收货款

sales tax 营业税,销货税

sales volume 销售量

savings account deposit certificate 储蓄存款单

savings bank 储蓄银行

savings deposites 储蓄存款

schedule 明细表,附表

schedule of accounts payable 应付帐款明细表

schedule of accounts receivable 应收帐款明细表

scrip dividend 股利票,期票股利

secured loan 抵押放款

securities in foreign currency 外汇有价证券

security 证券

sellers market 卖方市场

selling rate 卖出汇率

service charge 手续费

serial bonds 分期偿还债券

set of account 整套帐簿

settlement of accounts 结算,清帐

settlement day 到期日,交割期,清算日

share 份额,股份

share capital 股本、股份资本

share holder 股东、股票持有人

share holder’s equity 股东权益

shipping documents 装船单据、货运单据

short sales 卖空

short terms bank loans 短期银行借款

short term bill 短期汇票

short-term capital 短期资本

short-term investment 短期投资

short-termliabilities 短期负债

short-term loans 短期借款

sightt draft note 即期票据

sight letter of credit 即期信用证

signature card 印鉴卡

silver bar 银条

silver coin 银币

simple average method 简单平均法

single-entry accounting 单式会计

single-entry bookkeeping 单式簿记

single journal entry 单式分录

skeleton account T式帐户

skeleton form of account T字式分类帐

soft curreney 软币、弱币

soft loan 软贷款

sola draft 单张汇票

source document 原始凭证

special endorsement 记名背书

special fund 特种基金

special journal 特种日记帐

speciality bank 专业银行

specie 铸币,硬币

specimen of draft 汇票样本

spot cash 手存现金

stale check 失效,过期支票

standard money 本位币

state bank 国家银行

state insurance 国营保险

stated capital 法定资本

statement of changes in financial position 财务状况变动表

statement of financial condition(position) 财务状况表

statement of income appropriation 盈余分配表

statement of realization income and loss 损益实现表

statement of receipts and payments 收支表

static statements 静态报告表

stock certificate 股票

stock exchange 证券交易所

stock option 认股权

stock split 股票分割

stock subscriptions 认股

stock subscribed 已认股本

stock warrants 认股权证

step payment 止付

ssmmary statement 总表,汇总表

sundry accounts receivable 其它应收款


tabulatien 制表、列表

tat accrued 应征税款,应计税收

tatable year 纳税年度

tax credit 应付所得税

tax deduction 扣除额

tax receivable 应收税款

telegraphic transfer(T/T) 电汇

telegraphic transfer rate 电汇汇价

term bonds 定期债券

term loan 定期放款

tied loan 附带条件的贷款

title of account 帐户名称

trade acceptance 承兑汇票(票据)

trade bill 商业汇票

trade creadit 商业信用

trade current account 同业往来

trademark 商标

trade-mark interests 商标权

trading account 营业帐户

transfer of financial resources 转让资金,调拨资金

transfer procedure of the acccount 帐簿移交程序

transfer vouchers 转帐传票

traveler’s check 旅行支票

traveler’s letter of credit 旅行信用证

treasury 国库,财务

treasury bills 国库券

trust fund 信托基金

turnover tax 营业税


uncofirmed letter of credit 不保兑信用证

underlying bonds 优先债券

underlying document 记帐凭证

unencumbered surplus 未分配盈余

unexpired cost 预付费用

uniform accounting system 统一会计制度

unlisted asset 帐外资产

unsecured loan 信用放款

usance draft(bill) 远期汇票

usance letter of credit 远期信用证


variable cost 变动成本

verification 验证

verification of balance 余额核对

voucher 凭单

voucher payable 应付凭单

voucher register 付款凭单登记簿

voucher system 应付凭单制


wage level 工资标准(水平)

wage scale 工资等级

wage summary 工资汇总表

wash sale 短期抵销买卖

wasting asset 递耗资产

watered stock 虚股,掺水股

weighted average 加权平均数

welfare fund 福利基金

with recourse 有追索权

withdrawal 提款,退股

without recourse 无追索权

working capital 流动资本,经营资金

working capital ratio 营运资金比率

working capital turnover 营运资金周转率

working expenses 营业费

working paper 工作底稿

write down 冲转

wrlte up 增列,增值


yesr-end adjustment 年终调整

yield 内部报酬率


zero balance 余额为零
